I didn't go to the mikvah every month. (Few people I know do.) I am content that I went to the mikvah the night before my wedding, no one can ever take that night away from me.
But after four months of marriage, I began researching the observance of mikvah. I spoke with many women who go regularly, women who choose not to, and Rebbetzins who welcome the regulars.
I found myself talking with many friends about my research and then the word got out. I became a bit of a mikvah expert for women (and their husbands) who didn't feel comfortable calling on a Rabbi or Rebbetzin. Some women asked about the benefits of mikvah for those having trouble conceiving. Other women, preparing for marriage, would ask about what to expect should they decide to go before their wedding. Some married couples wanted to know what "rules' they had to follow and which ones were mere suggestions. I was armed with many of the facts and even more stories from real-life observance of mikvah within our more relaxed religious circles.
Right after our wedding, we had moved to Hong Kong for a business opportunity. We had decided to postpone beginning our family and "extend our honeymoon" with travels in Asia I found myself visiting mikvaos during our travels.
The more I spoke about mikvah, the more I decided I would go more regularly and follow the tradition of Taharas Hamishpacha. It was also about that time that my husband, Mark and I decided we were ready to start our family.
Once we moved back to New York City, I visited the Mikvah on the Upper West Side. Then, on a trip to Israel It became a "tourist site" for me.
Mark needed to travel to Singapore for a last-minute trip. What we thought was going to be a short trip, soon turned out to be about a month long. So I joined him. I immediately called the Chabad Rebbetzin in Singapore to set up an appointment to visit their mikvah. Just for me, the Rebbetzin left her Purim party, which was in full swing at her home! What a wonderful woman. That time I came to learn, was another no one could ever take away from me. We expected our first baby to join our family nine months after Purim. I will always know that our baby came into this world after a kosher mikvah experience!
Chana Reena, named after my dear grandmother, Chana, was born on Dec. 10, 2006. We look forward to raising her in the traditions and customs which have guided our families for generations.