Clear guidelines for five components of a Chabad wedding to follow Halacha accurately and bring down the desired blessings for the newly married couple, reviewed and endorsed by many Chabad Rabbonim.
Read MoreWhat is as holy as Yom Kippur, as powerful as prayer and the secret of a spiritually dynamic marriage? You may not believe it, but the answer is The Mikvah. The traditional Jewish observance guiding the intimate relationship between husband and wife.
Read MoreIs it normal to have doubts during an engagement?
Read MoreThe Jewish wedding is a holy place. The chupah is a time for deep prayer and introspection.
Read MoreI recently attended a Chassidic wedding. It was a very different experience.
Read MoreI understand the reason I will be breaking a glass under my foot at the end of the wedding ceremony is to commemorate the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem some 2000 years ago.
Read MoreA gentle breeze causes the chuppah to sway, The Chosson's head bows, his eyes close to pray. The violin's haunting melody, wafts through the air
Read MoreShe glances round the house, at walls now stripped bare She saw outlines of pictures, now no longer there. She thinks of this house and all it has seen
Read MoreWhile standing under the chuppa, what couple doesn't hope for eternal shalom bayis, lasting marital harmony? The partners fervently pray that they should feel as good about each other in the many years of their upcoming life together as they do on their wedding day.
Read MoreThe Jewish home is considered a replica of the Beit Hamikdosh, the Holy Temple which stood in Jerusalem, and which, G-d willing, will quickly be rebuilt with the coming of Moshiach. Every aspect of the Temple was holy, for the spirit of Hashem, G-d, was manifest there.
Read MoreThis Sunday is my third wedding anniversary. This Saturday night is the third anniversary of my first Mikvah immersion.
Read MoreQuietly I sat reading tehillim (psalms), with a handful of nickels and a small wooden pushka (charity box), as my hairdresser twirled my thick, beautiful curls into an updo. A bit distracted by the imminence of my upcoming wedding,
Read MoreAt Jewish weddings I've seen this dance where people stand facing each other in two lines, and then run towards each other and meet in the middle, then run backwards to their original places, only to do it all over again.
Read MoreI am getting married in a few weeks and am really excited. But I have this crazy fear that something will go wrong, like I will trip under the Chuppah and the whole structure will collapse on our heads.
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