Its All About The Books Part Three
Gain a deeper understanding of how to choose and share high quality Jewish books with your children
WatchGain a deeper understanding of how to choose and share high quality Jewish books with your children
WatchConversations with Our Bochurim Part Three (Dr FAgin Part Two)
WatchA very beautiful and meaningful roundtable discussion supporting motherhood, by Mrs Sara Morozow, Veteran Kallah teacher and program director at mikvah.org , Mrs Chanie Wolf, Assistant principal at Bais Rivkah Seminary, and Mrs Mushka Leiter, Director of Miriams Motherhood Center of Crown Heights. Including some inspiration from the Rebbe.
WatchConversations with our Bochurim Part Two with Dr Gavriel Fagin PhD, Director Tikunim Counseling Services
WatchConversations with our Bochurim Part 1: Hashkafa with Rabbi Asher Farkash
Creating connection is a constant and conscious avodah. It Is the foundation for ever necessary conversation and each moment of guidance
WatchIn partnership with BR Branches, Rabbi M.M. Gluckowsky, Chinuch Expert and Rav in Rechovot, Eretz Yisrael, discusses how we can protect our children, and what we need to do as a community in response to abuse.
WatchMrs. Rivky Boyarsky, RN CNMW discusses the important talking points for conversing with our daughters on self care, empowerment and hygiene as part of Mikvah.org's goal in raising healthy happy future mainstays of the Jewish home.
Torah educators Sara Morozow and Rivky Boyarsky join Safety Kid founder Debi Fox, LCSW to discuss navigating the difficult conversations with our children.
WatchPart 2 of a candid discussion on balancing the blessing of children in today's hectic world.
WatchA candid discussion on balancing the blessing of children in today's hectic world
WatchMrs. Chanie Lebovics, Shadchan, and Mrs. Frumie Piekarski, Parent Mentor and Kallah teacher discuss practical advice for guiding children through the Shidduchim process.
WatchRabbi Mendel Lipskier and Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg present practical tips and important guidelines to set our children up for success through the shidduchim and dating process.
WatchMrs. Debbie Fox, LCSW, founder of Safety Kid presents a workshop empowering parents with the tools needed to keep children safe, from toddlers through camp age children and teens.
WatchMrs Debbie Fox, LCSW, creator of Safety Kids discusses the ABCD's of Child Safety as taught to children with Mrs. Ruthie Sperlin. Filmed for LGTV @mymikvah.
Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, RN and Mrs. Mushky Kotlarsky conclude the series of "Before, During, After" with an in depth discussion on navigating the postpartum period, from practical, hashkafic, halachic and medical angles.
WatchPart 2 for "Navigating the Special Time of Pregnancy and Childbirth," Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, RN and Mrs. Mushky Kotlarsky discuss the halachic, hashkafic, practical and medical decisions to be aware of at this time.
WatchCertified Kallah Teachers Mrs. Rivky Boyarsky, RN and Mrs. Mushky Kotlarsky discuss the hashkafa, halacha, medical and practical for navigating the special time of pregnancy and childbirth. Part 1 of a 2 part discussion.
WatchMrs. Sara Morozow and Mrs. Ruthie Sperlin share practical tips and important information to help parents with planning and preparing a Chassidishe wedding for their children.
WatchMrs. Ita Broh reviews the customs of the wedding day until after the Chuppah according to the customs of Chabad.
WatchPrepare for your engagement in a real and practical way. Get the guidance you need to make the most of your time before it comes.
Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher. He founded Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies in Minnesota.
Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher. He founded Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies in Minnesota.
In a series of talks to women and men, the Rebbe discusses the issue of controlling the size of one's family and the beauty of having children.